Zeke’s Jumbled Thinking

An Exploration of My Mind

“It’s All Yours Lord” and Surrender

 All day I’ve been searching for the answers to my doubt and the fig tree (see “Naked” post). So I’m driving home from a missional church meeting tonight and I here the song “It’s All Yours Lord” on the radio. At first the chorus is annoying me because it repeats “it’s all yours Lord” over and over again, but then it clicked. It is all his. He made everything. He knew the fig tree from Mark 11:12 long before it ever sprouted. He created it, he allowed it’s presence in the world he created. As such he has every right to declare it cursed for not bearing fruit as he called it to. God’s ownership of everything super-cedes our self proclaimed ownership of anything on this earth.

At this point I decide it was time to surrender some of my issues to God. So I came home and started this post. I did a Google search for a nice image on surrender and was rocked to core when God actively used my search to further the thoughts he put in me with song on the radio. The very first image that came up on the search was perfect, so I clicked on it and found the blog pasted below as a result. The author Kevin hit’s the nail on the head for me when he wrote, “We also let God take us through those emotions to a place where our mind and emotions will line up to accept the painful situation.”

Kevin’s post meant so much to me and my personal struggle that I am pasting it below giving much credit to Kevin. If you want to comment on his post follow this link http://kevinmartineau.blogspot.com/2008/06/two-kinds-of-surrender.html. Here is Kevin’s original post.


TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2008


Two kinds of surrender

Last week in my small group study called“Surrendering to Christ Together” we learned about two kinds of surrender to the Father’s will. They were:

  1. Passive surrender: which is the acceptance of what is – an illness, a job loss, a crisis with our children. We acknowledge painful emotions (sorrow, anger). We also let God take us through those emotions to a place where our mind and emotions will line up to accept the painful situation. We don’t “give up” in the sense of despairing, ceasing to look for solutions or ceasing to pray. Rather, we come to a place where we trust God to meet our deepest needs, whatever happens.
  2. Active surrender: which is the decision to take action in accord with what we believe God wants us to do, despite risks and costs. It often involves moving from a situation that feels relatively safe to one full of unknowns. It can be harder than passive surrender because we genuinely have the option of avoiding the tough situation. (It’s easier to accept what we can’t avoid than to accept what we can avoid.)

We were asked to think of ways that God is calling us to passive surrender and active surrender. For me, in regards to passive surrender, I have had to let go of some issues and accept them for what they are. In some ways, I had”given up” in these issues and I know that was wrong. I need to accept these issues BUT not cease being involved in looking for solutions. In regards to active surrender, God has been calling me to “step out of the boat” with Him in regards to my involvement in my community. This is a great unknown to me as I have allowed myself to be completely consumed with church life. With this, God is also calling me to take some risks with Him. This is scary and exciting at the same time!

January 18, 2009 Posted by | Emotional Reckoning | Leave a comment